M-Files UI Extensibility Framework
AddTab Method
IShellPaneContainer Interface : AddTab Method
The ID of the new tab.
The title of the new tab.

The ID of the tab before which the new tab should be inserted. Can refer to a built-in tab or another custom-created tab. See Using Tabs in Shell Frame Side Pane Tabs for a list of built-in tab identifiers.

You can also use the pseudo IDs _first and _last: With _first, the tab is placed as the first one, and with _last, it is placed as the last one. The "Metadata", "Preview", and "Filter" tabs are, however, always placed as the first tabs in M-Files Desktop; additional tabs are always after these.

Creates a new tab and adds it to the collection of tabs.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddTab( _
   ByVal TabId As String, _
   ByVal tabTitle As String, _
   ByVal insertBeforeTabId As String _
) As IShellPaneTab
The ID of the new tab.
The title of the new tab.

The ID of the tab before which the new tab should be inserted. Can refer to a built-in tab or another custom-created tab. See Using Tabs in Shell Frame Side Pane Tabs for a list of built-in tab identifiers.

You can also use the pseudo IDs _first and _last: With _first, the tab is placed as the first one, and with _last, it is placed as the last one. The "Metadata", "Preview", and "Filter" tabs are, however, always placed as the first tabs in M-Files Desktop; additional tabs are always after these.

Supported in M-Files 10.0.3911.3 and newer.
See Also

IShellPaneContainer Interface  | IShellPaneContainer Members