Enables accessing and controlling the content of the top pane in the M-Files client application.
HideUserResearchPanelNotification | |
OpenContextMenu | Opens a context menu with the given ID. |
OpenUserResearchPanelNotificationLinkInBrowser | |
ShowConnectionStatusDialog | Shows the connection status dialog. |
ShowDashboard | Sets the shell window main area to show a dashboard. |
ShowOfflineSyncStatusDialog | Displays the offline sychronization status dialog. |
StartAutoInstall | Starts the automatic installation if an installation package is found. |
AutoInstallDeadline | Gets the automatic installation deadline if one has been defined. |
Available | Defines whether the top pane is available here. |
Breadcrumbs | Gets the current breadcrumb. |
BreadcrumbsEx | Gets the current breadcrumbs. |
CanShowAutoInstallNoteNow | Returns "true" if the automatic installation note can be shown in the top area. The next call returns "false" unless the M-Files Desktop UI is restarted. |
CanShowFastBrowsingIncompatibleApps | |
CanShowUserResearchPanelNotification | |
CanShowUserResearchPanelNotificationNow | |
Events | Accesses the event source object for this object. |
NetWorkStatusRoundTripTime | Gets the network status roundtrip time in milliseconds. |
OfflineSyncStatusIconVisible | Gets the visibility of the offline synchronization status icon. |
ShellFrame | Returns the shell window. |
Visible | Defines whether the top pane is visible. |