This list contains all the UI Extensibility components that are supported in M-Files Web. The listing applies for M-Files 2015.2 and above.
Public Methods
Public Properties
- Events
- OnStarted
- OnNewShellFrame
- OnNewNormalShellFrame
- Vault
Public Methods
- ShowMessage
- ShowDefaultContent
- GetListing
- ShowMessage( message, callback )
- This method syntax and support differ from windows client
Message: string or message object.
- If the message is a string, a notification dialog with an “OK” button and the given message is displayed.
- If the message is an object, it has the properties caption, message, and dialogType.
- The dialogType property can be used to specify the type of dialog to be shown.
- Confirm: Shows a confirmation dialog with two buttons.
- Alert: Shows a dialog with an “OK” button similarly as when the property is not used.
- Callback: The action is triggered based on user response in a dialog.
Public Properties
- Events
- OnStarted
- OnNewShellListing
- OnNewTaskPane
- OnNewRightPane
- OnNewCommands
- ShellUI
- CurrentFolder
- CurrentPath
- ActiveListing
- Listing
- Commands
- TaskPane
- RightPane
Public Methods
- UnselectAll
- SetVirtualSelection
- SelectObjectVersion
- RefreshListing
- RefreshListingAsync
- ActivateListing
- ActivateSelected
- RefreshObject
- RefreshSelectedObjects
- SelectFolder
- SelectNextFolder
- SelectNextObject
- SelectNextObjectFile
- SelectObjectFile
- SelectPrevFolder
- SelectPrevObject
- SelectPrevObjectFile
Public Properties
- Events
- OnStarted
- OnSelectionChanged
- OnSelectedItemsChanged
- OnShowContextMenu
- CurrentPath
- CurrentSelection
- GroupObjectsByObjectType
- GroupViewsAndFolders
- Items
- IsActive
Public Methods
- GetObjectVersionsCount
- GetObjectVersionsAndPropertiesAsync
- Retrieves the objectVersionAndProperties details of the current listing objectversion items. This method should be used instead of the “ObjectVersionsAndProperties” property.
Public Properties
Public Methods
- AddCustomCommandToGroup
- When you use this method with "SetIconFromPath", you must specify "SetIconFromPath" first. Otherwise, the command icon is not shown in the classic M-Files Web.
- SetCommandState
- CreateGroup
Public Properties
Public Methods
- ShowDashboard
- ShowDefaultContent
- AddTab
- GetTab
Public Properties
Public Methods
- select
- ShowDashboard
- Remove
Public Properties
Public Methods
- ShowMessage( message, callback )
- This method syntax and support differ from windows client
Message: string or message object.
- If the message is a string, a notification dialog with an “OK” button and the given message is displayed.
- If the message is an object, it has the properties caption, message, and dialogType.
- The dialogType property can be used to specify the type of dialog to be shown.
- Confirm: Shows a confirmation dialog with two buttons.
- Alert: Shows a dialog with an “OK” button similarly as when the property is not used.
- Callback: The action is triggered based on user response in a dialog.
Public Properties
Public Methods
- CreateCustomCommand
- AddCustomCommandToMenu
- SetCommandState
- SetIconFromPath
- When you use this method with "AddCustomCommandToGroup", you must specify this method first. Otherwise, the command icon is not shown in the classic M-Files Web.
Public Properties
Public Methods
- GetErrorDescription
- GetLongErrorDescription
- ReportException
- CreateInstance
- ThrowError
- ExecuteURL
- GetStringResource(id, field)
- Gets the string resource with the M-Files Web resource ID or name.
- id: The numeric resource ID.
- field: The corresponding resource name. The "IDS_" prefix is optional.
- SiteLocation
- Provides the current M-Files Web site location.
Public Properties
- MFNamedValueType
- M-Files API enumeration exposed as a public property.
- MFConditionType
- M-Files API enumeration exposed as a public property.
- MFDatatype
- M-Files API enumeration exposed as a public property.
- MFLatestSpecificBehavior
- M-Files API enumeration exposed as a public property.
- MFWeb
- The "MFWeb" property must be used in conjunction with the following API elements:
- GetValueListIconUrl(id, itemId, size) method
- Returns the REST URL value for retrieving a value list icon from the server.
- id: The ID of the value list.
- itemId: The ID of the value list item.
- size: The size of the icon to be retrieved.
- GetObjectTypeIconUrl(ObjType, size) method
- Returns the REST URL value for retrieving an object type icon from the server.
- ObjType: Object type value.
- size: The size of the icon to be retrieved.
- SourceObjectFile object
- Used as an alternative to the "MFiles.SourceObjectFiles" struct, because the parameter ”SourceFilePath” cannot be used in a browser environment.
- Extension: The extension of the file when added to M-Files.
- ObjOrFileVer: The version of the source object or file.
- Title: The title of the file when added to M-Files.