Named Access Control Lists

A named access control list is a list of permissions that can be attached to an object. It is a list consisting of one or more subjects (users, user groups, or pseudo-users) and operations (delete, edit, read, or change permissions) that are either allowed or denied to those particular subjects. Named access control lists make managing permissions in M-Files much quicker and more effortless.

Video: Named Access Control List Permissions

New Named Access Control List

Start by selecting Named Access Control Lists in the left-side tree view of M-Files Admin and click the New Named Access Control List... link on the task pane.

In the properties window, you can specify the users that belong to the access control list and provide them with permissions.

The "New Named Access Control List" dialog.

Named access control lists make it more efficient to manage permissions when you are filling in the object metadata (see also New Document). You can also utilize pseudo-users when creating a new named access control list. For more information, refer to Pseudo-users.

On the Advanced tab, you can specify the alias for the named access control list. For more information, refer to Associating the Metadata Definitions.

Modifying Named Access Control Lists

When you modify a named access control list, the modified permissions are applied to either new and existing objects to which the named access control list is already attached or to new objects only, depending on your choice.


  1. Open M-Files Admin.
  2. In the left-side tree view, expand the desired connection to M-Files Server.
  3. In the left-side tree view, expand the desired document vault.
  4. Highlight the Named Access Control Lists node.
    The list of named access control lists in the selected vault is opened in the right-side pane.
  5. In the Named Access Control Lists list, right-click the item that you want to edit and select Properties from the context menu.
    The Named Access Control List Properties dialog is opened.
  6. Optional: On the General tab, click Add... if you wish to add a new user or user group to this named access control list.
  7. Select the user or user group whose permissions you wish to adjust from the Users and user groups list.
  8. Depending on your choice, select either the Allow or Deny option for the desired operations.
  9. Click OK once you are done to close the Named Access Control List Properties dialog.
  10. Optional: If the selected named access control is already used in the permissions of one or more objects, the Confirm Update dialog is opened.
    1. Click Change Objects' Permissions if you wish to apply your changes to the permissions of existing objects that use the selected named access control list in their permissions.
    2. Click Preserve Objects' Permissions if you do not wish to apply your changes to the permissions of existing objects that use the selected named access control list in their permissions.


The changes you have made are to the named access control list are saved and applied, depending on your choice, to new and existing objects that employ the selected named access control list or to new objects only.