You can mark objects to be available in the offline mode. See also New Offline Filter.
You can use the Mark for Offline Availability function to specify the documents and other objects to be available without a network connection. The selected documents will be shown in the Offline view.
You can select individual objects, a group of objects, view entities, or virtual folders to be available offline. If you select a view or virtual directory to be available offline, M-Files creates a new offline filter corresponding to the view in question. This way, all new objects conforming to the filter conditions will automatically be available offline according to the filter settings. You can also edit the offline filter you have created. For more information about off-line filters, refer to New Offline Filter.
You can move between the offline and online modes by using the Go Online and Go Offline functions. For more information, refer to Go Offline and Go Online.
You change an object so that it is no longer available offline by using the Remove Offline Availability function.