Basic Functions in M-Files / "Operations" Menu |
M-Files users may have document vault connections with different names, and each user may have different views. M-Files provides a function to create shortcuts that are not affected by these factors. Such links might be used for instance in e-mail messages with references to the organization's documents.
Select the Create or Get Shortcut function from the object's context menu.
The Create of Get Shortcut dialog offers four different ways to share your link.
The "Create or Get Shortcut" dialog.
Create Windows shortcut / Create M-Files shortcut
Use this option to create new shortcuts to your Windows desktop.
Send an M-Files shortcut by e-mail
This option automatically creates and opens a new e-mail message with a shortcut included in the message. The Send Link by E-Mail function under Sharing, E-mail and PDF creates a new e-mail message with shortcuts in the same way.
Copy M-Files URL to clipboard
This option enables you to see the path to the selected document. Each document has its own link path. By using this option, you can ensure that the link remains usable even if the document is renamed.
You can paste the link to e-mail messages in HTML format, or open the document directly in M-Files by entering the path in the Windows Run function.
Command | Action |
show | Displays the object in M-Files Desktop. |
showmetadata | Shows the metadata card for the object. |
open | Shows the check-out dialog and opens the document in the default application. |
view | Opens the document in the default application in read-only mode without prompting the user to check it out. |
edit | Checks out the object and opens it for editing in the default application. |
For instance, the command m-files://edit/<vault GUID>/<object name>-<id> would check out the document and open it for editing in the associated default program.
For more information about M-Files URL properties, refer to this knowledge base article.
The advanced settings enable you to specify whether you want the link to always point to the latest version of the document (Latest version) or to the version that you have selected (This version).
You can add or drag documents from M-Files to the e-mail in the same way as any other documents. You can also use the Send M-Files shortcut by e-mail function. With this function, M-Files creates a new e-mail message with a copy of the file attached.
It is also possible to use web links to share documents contained in M-Files. M-Files can be used as a content management system for sharing documents with interested parties. For more information about M-Files Web, refer to this knowledge base article.