New Login Account

You can create a new login name by highlighting Login Accounts in the left-side tree structure of M-Files Admin and selecting the New Login Account function from the Action menu.

The document vault has users who must first authenticate themselves from the point of view of the M-Files Server. Before creating the users, login accounts must be created for the M-Files Server. These login accounts are then added to document vaults as users. the same server login can be added to several document vaults.

The "Login Account Properties" window.

Assign a name, authentication method, and password to the login account. Specify also the type of license acquired for the login account. If you are using M-Files for an evaluation period, you can select No license.

For more information about authentication and server roles, refer to Login Accounts. License management is described in more detail in License Management.

You can also import Windows login accounts to M-Files. For more information, refer to Import Login Accounts.