Setting Up M-Files Hubshare for Outlook

To open documents saved in M-Files Hubshare with Microsoft Outlook, you must connect to M-Files Hubshare in Outlook.

  1. In the Outlook ribbon, select Home.
  2. Click Settings in the Hubshare section.
    Result:The Hubshare plugin settings dialog is opened.
  3. In the dialog, enter the URL of your server and click Login.
    The URL can be,,,,, If you do not know which one to use, contact your system administrator.
    Result:The Authentication dialog is opened.
  4. Enter the email address that you use when you log in to M-Files Hubshare.
    This step is not necessary when you use single sign-on to log in.
  5. Enter your password, and click Sign in.
  6. Read the terms, and click Accept.
    Result:The Hubshare plugin settings dialog is opened.
  7. In the dialog, specify your user settings.
    Note: If you do not have the right to change your personal settings, you cannot change the Send automatically with Hubshare and Only when total size is larger than (MB) settings.
  8. Click Save.
    Result:The Settings saved dialog is opened.
  9. Click OK.