Quick Search

Quick Search is a useful way to search for documents and other objects in the vault. Quick Search looks for objects that contain the search word in the file contents or metadata. You can determine whether to search metadata, file contents, or both. By default, both metadata and file contents are searched. If you change the setting, M-Files will use your setting for all subsequent searches.

In the search field, enter a search string that has to do with the object, such as the title, the login account of a person who has edited it, or a customer related to it, and click the arrow button. The search string does not need to be a whole word – you can truncate the word by using an asterisk. For example, when you search for data in the Demo Vault with the search string specific*, you will find a document named Technical Specifications, because the name contains the string searched for.

To search for a particular word form, remove the selection from Look in different inflected forms of the words in Quick Search in the advanced search options. This option is selected by default. When you do this to search for, say, the word "corporation," the search results include only those objects that match this exact word, not corporate, incorporated, etc.

Words and phrases searched for are saved in a pull-down menu, making it easy to repeat the searches.

In the quick search, you only need to enter the search word.