Can I do the same stuff with M-Files Mobile as with M-Files Desktop?

Note: This content is no longer updated. For the latest content, please go to the user guide for M-Files Online. For information on the supported product versions, refer to our lifecycle policy.

M-Files Mobile is available for the iOS and Android operating systems. The table below summarizes the differences between the mobile applications and M-Files Desktop.

For a more detailed description of the differences between the mobile applications, see M-Files Mobile Apps Feature Comparison.

Feature M-Files Desktop M-Files Mobile for iOS M-Files Mobile for Android
Open object files
View metadata
Open objects from M-Files URLs
Show subobjects
Voice commands
Edit metadata
Edit files
Add comments
Add electronic signatures
Add handwritten signatures
Undo checkout
Create new objects
Mark assignments complete
Create a copy of an object
Create a template based on current object
Save documents from other apps to M-Files
Save email attachments as new objects
Scan documents using the camera of the device
Share public links
Call phone numbers via the metadata card
Navigate to a website by clicking a hyperlink on the metadata card
Create a new email message by clicking an email address on the metadata card
Read files and metadata in offline mode
Create objects in offline mode
Edit object metadata in offline mode
Mark objects for offline availability
Mark views for offline availability
View annotations
Annotate documents online
Annotate documents offline
Manage multiple vault connections
Quickly access assignments, favorites, and recent objects
View relationships to and from the selected object
Add objects to favorites
Open objects from .mflink attachments
Access all views
Add shortcuts to views
Show document collection members
Participate in workflows
Convert speech to text
Create new objects via M-Files URLs
Add pictures or photos to existing objects
Attach other files to existing objects
Create subobjects via the metadata card of the parent object
Do a quick search
Filter search by object type
Limit search to metadata or file contents only
Share files as email attachments
Share objects and files as M-Files link attachments
Share files via M-Files URLs
Share or copy files to other applications
Save phone numbers to contacts via the metadata card
Send a text message via the metadata card
Delete offline content
Add vault connections via M-Files URLs
Object type hierarchies
Automatic filling of properties ✔ (partly supported) ✔ (partly supported)