Using M-Files Aino

M-Files Aino is an AI assistant that can summarize documents and give responses about document contents. Click the M-Files Aino tab to open or close the interaction with M-Files Aino, or drag the left border of the window to resize the discussion area.

Note: If the M-Files Aino tab is not shown, it can be that M-Files Aino is not available in your platform edition or not set up. The setup instructions for M-Files admins are available in M-Files Catalog.

M-Files Aino can process documents that contain textual information. M-Files Aino cannot process images, audio, or video. Scanned documents must be converted to a searchable PDF with optical character recognition (OCR) before M-Files Aino can process them. M-Files Aino uses only the information found in the selected document, no external knowledge or internet resources are used.

The supported file formats for M-Files Aino include but are not limited to these formats:

  • Microsoft Word files (docx, docm, dotx, dotm, doc, dot)
  • Microsoft Excel files (xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm, xlsb, xls, xlt)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint files (pptx, pptm, ppsx, ppsm, potx, potm, ppt, pps, pot)
  • PDF files
Note: The responses can contain inaccuracies or be incomplete. If you see mistakes, please give feedback.

Summarizing documents

To summarize a single document, select the document in the listing area and click Summarize this document in the Aino tab. Click Add details or Condense to view more or less information in the summary.

Note: M-Files Aino summarizes the document in the software language. See Selecting the Software and Vault Language. Click Translate to have the summary in your preferred language.

Asking questions

You can use M-Files Aino to find answers from a single document, from objects that are related to your current location, for example a view, or from the entire vault. To ask questions about the content, write your question to the Ask anything field on the Aino tab and click Ask or press Enter.

If you have selected a single document, M-Files Aino gives you answers related to that document only. If you click, for example, a view name or open a view, M-Files Aino looks for answers from that content. If M-Files Aino cannot find the answer with these options, use the Look for answers in option to tell M-Files Aino to find answers from the entire vault.

M-Files Aino uses your vault permissions when it creates the answer. This means that if you do not have the necessary permissions for the content that M-Files Aino would use in the answer, the content is not included in the answer. M-Files Aino shows the answer's source documents below the answer.

Note: To ask questions from many documents or from the entire vault, your M-Files admin must have set a separate configuration. This separate configuration is available for an additional cost.
Note: M-Files Aino answers in the same language as the question. The document language and the software language can be different. See Selecting the Software and Vault Language. If you want to have an answer in certain language, you must ask the question in that language.

Saving responses

You can save M-Files Aino's responses to the clipboard or to the document's metadata. Click Copy to clipboard to copy the summary or the answer to the clipboard. Click Save as metadata to save the summary or the answer as metadata. Use the suggested metadata property from M-Files or select a property to which you want save the response.

Chat history

M-Files Aino saves all your chats automatically to the chat history. The chat history is shown only to you. To see the chat history, click the clock icon () at the top of the Aino section. In the chat history, you can continue your old chats or delete them.

  • To continue a chat, click a chat.
  • To delete a chat, click the bin icon (). To confirm the deletion, click Delete.
Note: When you continue previous chats, it is possible that the source documents have changed. This can have an effect on the previous answers.

Giving feedback

You can give feedback to help improve M-Files Aino. If you think that the response is useful, click the thumbs up icon (). If you think that the responses are unsatisfactory or erroneous, click the thumbs down icon (), enter your feedback, and click Send. Your feedback is anonymous, and you will not be contacted.

Limitations and user quota

M-Files Aino has these limitations:

  • M-Files Aino cannot process very large documents (approximately 100 pages or more).
  • M-Files Aino can sometimes give incorrect or incomplete information.
  • M-Files Aino is trained to decline unsuitable requests.

Each user has a vault-specific quota on how much content they can have M-Files Aino process within 24 hours. The quota use depends on, for example, document language, complexity of the text, and formatting details.

M-Files lets you know when you have used 90% of your quota. If you use all your quota, M-Files Aino will be temporarily unavailable. When enough time has passed, you can use M-Files Aino again.

For more details about these limits, refer to the platform editions page on the M-Files website.

Admin aid

Refer to these documents for more technical information: