Event Log

The Event Log logs document vault events, such as new object creations and user logins.

To enable logging, select Enable Event Logging via the task pane. Events can be viewed and organized in any desired order.

Event logging must be enabled to send notifications. For more information about notifications, refer to Notification Settings (M-Files Admin).

Showing events X–XXXX

You can browse the events page by page by using the arrow icons. A single page can display 10,000 events at maximum.

Define Filter

You can specify the events to be displayed in the list by either object type or object ID.


You can export and archive all or selected events in XML file format.

Delete events X–XXXX

In addition to being able to delete all events, you can select events for listing on the page and delete them (this does not apply to filtered lists).

Video: Event Logs

Detailed information on an individual event

Event Details provides detailed information on the saved changes.

Note: To view more detailed information on an individual event, you must have the Electronic Signatures module activated.

The "Event Details" window.

Number of events, and event types

If the Electronic Signatures module is in use and the Advanced Event Log features have been enabled, the event log records all events without any restrictions. Otherwise, the M-Files server removes the oldest events automatically if the number of events exceeds 10,000. The maximum number of events can be changed via a registry setting (for more information, contact M-Files customer support).

While M-Files offers a versatile event log, several additional event types that can be covered by logging are enabled with the Electronic Signatures module.

The following event types are recorded in the M-Files Admin event log:

Assign request Document vault created as a copy of another vault Object changed Signature settings modified
Backup completed Event log cleared Object deleted State changed
Backup started Event log exported Object destroyed The state of a document or other object changed
Check-in Event logging disabled Object undeleted User created
Check-in request Event logging enabled Object version destroyed User deleted
Checkout File downloaded One version of a document or other object destroyed User modified
Undo checkout Free-form request Property definition deleted User group created
Document or other object changed Login Restoration from backup completed User group deleted
Document or other object deleted Logout Rollback User group modified
Document or other object destroyed New document or other object Signature settings added Vault variable modified
Document vault created New object Signature settings deleted  

The Electronic Signatures module adds the following event types to the M-Files Admin event log:

Metadata structure changes:    
Class changed Named ACL deleted State transition changed Value list item deleted
Class created Object type changed State transition created Workflow changed
Class deleted Object type created State transition deleted Workflow created
Common view changed Object type deleted Value list changed Workflow deleted
Common view created Property definition created Value list created  
Common view deleted Property definition changed Value list deleted  
Named ACL changed State created Value list item changed  
Named ACL created State deleted Value list item created  
Vault property changes:
Event handler changed
Event handler created
Event handler deleted
Event handler index changed
Application installed
Application uninstalled
Content package exported
Content package import completed

Electronic Signatures module

The Electronic Signatures module includes event logging extensions and electronic signature functionality. The module is available for a separate fee. For you to activate the Electronic Signatures module, the license code must be activated on your system. The license is provided on a subscription basis. Activate or update the license code in M-Files Admin (for more information, refer to License Management). In addition to this, properties of the audit trail must be activated that are specific to the vault. For more information, see Document Vault Advanced Properties.