How do I check the location of the active search indexes?

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By default, the Indexes folder can be found under the location specified in the properties of the vault. Check the index location:

  1. In M-Files Admin, in the left-side tree view, right-click a vault.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. Open the Advanced tab, and then click Define.

    By default, the Indexes folder can be found under the location specified in the Location for secondary data on the M-Files server field.

In larger vaults, the search indexes might be placed in an alternate location. Check the alternate index location:
  1. In M-Files Admin, go to the Advanced Vault Settings section.
    1. Open M-Files Admin.
    2. In the left-side tree view, expand an M-Files server connection.
    3. Expand Document Vaults.
    4. Expand a vault.
    5. Click Configurations.
    6. In the navigation area, click Advanced Vault Settings.
    7. Open the Configuration tab.
      Result:The advanced vault settings are shown.
  2. Expand Search > Indexes.
  3. Check the active indexes from Active Metadata Index and Active Filedata Index or Active Combined Index.
  4. Check the path to the indexes from the Path field of the index.