Saving to M-Files

Note: This content is no longer updated. For the latest content, please go to the user guide for M-Files Online. For information on the supported product versions, refer to our lifecycle policy.

When you save files to your M-Files drive, the information is not usually stored on your personal hard drive. In M-Files Desktop, you see the M-Files drive in File Explorer like other hard drives.

To save files to your M-Files drive, use one of these:

When you save a file to M-Files, M-Files asks you to add metadata. For more information, see Object Metadata.

Video: Saving Information in M-Files

Saving many files to M-Files

You can save many files to M-Files with drag and drop, copy and paste, and the Import Files and Folders dialog.

Tip: To save many files with the same metadata, enable Use these values as defaults for the next document.
Tip: Use Skip This to select not to save a file to M-Files. You can do this when you save many files to the vault.

Detecting duplicate file contents

If you try to save a file that is already in the vault, M-Files lets you know. M-Files shows you the duplicate documents to which you have permissions. For information on how the detection is done, see the How does the duplicate detection feature work? page.

Duplicate file content is shown in the listing area and when you add new content to the vault:

  • Listing area: To see the documents with duplicate file content, expand the object. The duplicate documents are shown under the Duplicate File Content node.
  • When you add new vault content: If M-Files detects documents with duplicate file content in the vault, it shows the Duplicate File Content dialog.
If the Duplicate File Content dialog is opened, select one of these options:
Select the option... If you...
Do Not Create Do not want to add the document to the vault.
Create Anyway Want to add the document to the vault.

Video: How to Detect & Avoid Creating Duplicate Content in M-Files