Editing Notification Settings in M-Files Admin

M-Files can be set to send email notifications about object-related actions. Users can also create new notification rules in M-Files Desktop (see Editing Notification Settings in M-Files Desktop and Metadata card option ribbon).

The email notifications contain a link to the related object. By default, the link is in the new M-Files link format. To use the classic link formatting, go to Advanced Vault Settings > Configuration > Notifications in M-Files Admin and set Use Classic Link Formatting to Yes. For more information on links in M-Files, refer to Configuring M-Files Links and M-Files URL Properties in M-Files Support Portal.

Note: In M-Files Cloud, email notifications are automatically enabled.

For the notifications to be sent, these features must be enabled:

If you use Microsoft Exchange Online, you must also set up an OAuth application in Microsoft Azure Portal and have the details listed in the document Azure Portal Configuration for M-Files Notifications with Microsoft Exchange Online.

To enable email notifications in an on-premises environment, do these steps on the M-Files server computer:

  1. Open M-Files Admin.
  2. In the left-side tree view, right-click a connection to your M-Files server.
  3. Select Notification Settings.
  4. Select Enable notifications.
  5. In Service type, select SMTP server or Microsoft Exchange Online.
  6. Enter the connection information for the selected service type.

    The table given here contains the descriptions for the settings of both service types.

    Service type Setting name Description
    SMTP server SMTP server The address of the SMTP server that sends the notification email messages.
    Use encrypted connection (SSL/TLS) Enable this setting if the SMTP server is ecrypted.
    SMTP server port The port number for the SMTP server connection. The default ports are 25 (without encryption), and 587 (with encryption), but you can change the port number to, for example, 465.
    SMTP server requires authentication Enable this setting if the notification sender must be authenticated on the SMTP server. Then enter the name and password for the sender's account in Account name and Password.
    Sender's e-mail address The email address of the sender to be shown in the notifications.
    Sender's display name The name of the sender to be shown in the From field of the notifications.
    Microsoft Exchange Online Tenant ID The tenant ID (also called directory ID) of your Azure Active Directory application.

    For example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff

    Client ID The client ID (also called application ID) of your Azure Active Directory application.

    For example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff

    Client secret The client secret of your Azure Active Directory application.

    For example: sXXtFz1UtYMRCVc.2.23TMC-94-T.yK-84

    HTTP proxy This is an optional setting. For authentication and email requests to use a proxy server, enter the address and port of the server. For example: The proxy server must support the SSL protocol.
    Sender's e-mail address The email address of the sender to be shown in the notifications.
    Authentication timeout in seconds If the sender cannot be authenticated in the time given in this setting, the authentication is canceled and the notification is not sent.
    Mail service timeout in seconds If the mail service does not respond in the time given here, the process is canceled and the notification is not sent.
  7. In Digest message, select the time when the daily digest messages are sent.
    M-Files users can select to receive their notifications as individual messages or as a daily digest message. For more information, see Editing Notification Settings in M-Files Desktop.
  8. Click OK to save your changes and to close the Notification Settings dialog.
Notifications are now enabled on the M-Files server.