Making PDFs of Objects

You can make PDFs of the files in M-Files.

Here are some solutions for issues that occur often when making PDFs:

Saving as PDF

To save a file as a PDF:

  1. Right-click an object in the listing area and select Save as PDF > Save as PDF.
    Result:When the PDF is created, the Save As dialog opens.
  2. In the Save As dialog, select the location for the PDF file.
    If you save a single-file document, the dialog shows the vault as the default save location. If you save a file in a multi-file document, the dialog shows the multi-file document as the default save location.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Optional: If you save the PDF as a single-file document, the object's metadata card opens. Fill in the necessary metadata and click Create.
The PDF version of the file is saved to the vault.

Converting to PDF

To convert a file into PDF format, right-click an object in the listing area, click Save as PDF,and select one of these options:

Option Description
Convert to PDF (replaces original file) M-Files converts the selected file to PDF format and replaces the original file (for example, a Word file) with the PDF file.
Convert to PDF (adds separate file)

M-Files converts the selected file to PDF format and keeps the original version of it. If you convert a single-file document, M-Files converts it to a multi-file document and adds the PDF file to it.

Video: Converting documents to PDF format in M-Files