Advanced Vault Settings

The settings in the Advanced Vault Settings section of the M-Files Admin configurations editor allow you to control how the vault functions. These settings were previously available as Microsoft Windows registry settings. Settings added with the Advanced Vault Settings section are included in vault backups.

In the Advanced Vault Settings section, the system administrator can configure all the functionalities listed in the table below. The table gives an overview of which settings also a user with the Full control of vault administrative rights can adjust.

Configuration Vault administrator
Assignments Allowed
Automatic aliases Allowed
Background tasks Not allowed
Note: Set the Manage Client Settings Centrally setting to Yes only after you have read the description shown on the Info tab in M-Files Admin.
Partly allowed
Connections to external databases Partly allowed
Connections to external sources Partly allowed
Content replication and archiving Partly allowed
Database Partly allowed
Document comparison Allowed
Duplicate detection Allowed
Event log Partly allowed
External repositories Not allowed
File operations Allowed
File previews Not allowed
Ground Link Partly allowed
M-Files add-in settings Allowed
Multi-file documents Allowed
Notifications Partly allowed
PDF conversion Partly allowed
Performance Not allowed
Real object type hierarchies Partly allowed
Reporting and data export Not allowed
Scanning and OCR Not allowed
Scripting Not allowed
Search Partly allowed
Security Not allowed
Thumbnails Partly allowed
Translatable object titles Allowed
User groups Allowed
Views Allowed
Note: Some of the settings in the Advanced Vault Settings section are for advanced configuration and customization only, and therefore we recommend that you do not change any settings unless you know what you are doing.

Configuring Advanced Vault Settings

To configure vault settings:

  1. In M-Files Admin, go to the Advanced Vault Settings section.
    1. Open M-Files Admin.
    2. In the left-side tree view, expand an M-Files server connection.
    3. Expand Document Vaults.
    4. Expand a vault.
    5. Click Configurations.
    6. In the navigation area, click Advanced Vault Settings.
    7. Open the Configuration tab.
      Result:The advanced vault settings are shown.
  2. Expand the section that you want to edit, and then edit settings that you want to change.
    For more information, select a setting and see the Info tab.
    Tip: Right-click a settings node to bring up a context menu with additional options, such as Move Up, Move Down, and Make Copy.
  3. When you are done, click Save to save the vault settings.
  4. Optional: Some of the settings require that you restart the vault for the changes to take effect. For instructions, see Restarting a Vault.

Example: Excluding Employee Objects from Metadata Searches

To configure your vault search engine so that Employee objects are not incuded in metadata searches:

  1. In M-Files Admin, go to the Advanced Vault Settings section.
    1. Open M-Files Admin.
    2. In the left-side tree view, expand an M-Files server connection.
    3. Expand Document Vaults.
    4. Expand a vault.
    5. Click Configurations.
    6. In the navigation area, click Advanced Vault Settings.
    7. Open the Configuration tab.
      Result:The advanced vault settings are shown.
  2. Expand Search > Excluded Object Types > Metadata-Based Searches.
  3. Click Add Object Type.
  4. In the Object Type field, press the down arrow key and then select Employee.
  5. Click Save to save your settings.
After saving the setting, Employee objects are no longer included in metadata searches in the selected vault.