Grouping Options in the M-Files Desktop User Interface
You can add, change, or remove grouping levels directly in the M-Files Desktop user interface. To do this:
- Go to a vault with M-Files Desktop.
- Open a view.
- Right-click an empty space in the listing area.
Complete one of these options:
If you want to... Do this: Add a grouping level to a view that does not yet have any grouping defined - Open the Group By menu.
- Select the grouping level from the list of choices or select Define to define your own.
Add an additional grouping level to a view - Open the Add Grouping Level menu.
- Select the grouping level from the list of choices or select Define to define your own.
Change the current grouping level - Open the Current Grouping Level menu.
- Select a new grouping level to replace the current one or select Define to create a new grouping level.
Remove the current grouping level - Select Remove Current Grouping Level.
- Optional:
If you want to categorize the objects or virtual folders alphabetically,
right-click an empty space in the listing area and select Group by
First Letter(s) or Group Folders by First
For the Group by First Letter(s) command to work, the Allow this property to be used as a grouping level in views option of the Name or title property has to be enabled.