Import Package Location

Note: This content is no longer updated. For the latest content, please go to the user guide for M-Files Online. For information on the supported product versions, refer to our lifecycle policy.

The Package Location tab displays options related to the package containing the objects, files, and metadata structure to be imported. See the corresponding settings in Exporting Content when you are importing the content package to the selected vault.

The location must be the same as that of the content package exported from the source vault. That is, M-Files must find the exported data to perform the import. The location may be different, but in that case a separate data transfer between locations must be implemented.

Note: The exported package can contain different marker files. M-Files only imports content packages that have the Ready marker file but not the Imported marker file for the target vault.

The Package Location tab of the Import Content dialog

You can also import several packages at a time by checking the Import multiple content packages check box. This enables you to select a folder instead of a single file.

The content package will be automatically deleted after importing if the Delete content package after importing option is enabled.

M-Files automatically creates a numeric ID for each scheduled replication job, but you can optionally enter an additional ID for the job to the Configuration ID field. The ID can be any string of characters. If a configuration ID cannot be found when the jobs are processed, M-Files simply uses the numerical replication job ID.

Use replication via cloud storage

You can also use replication via a cloud storage location. When exported, the replication packages are locally encrypted with the AES-256 algorithm and then uploaded to the cloud storage location. When imported, the replication packages are downloaded from the cloud storage location and then decrypted locally. This functionality can be helpful when you are replicating data between different locations and want to be completely certain that only the appropriate persons can access the data.

Connection string

The connection string contains the storage location information. Please make sure to use the same string for both export and import (see Export Package Location).

Manage Replication

Click Manage Replication... to open a dialog listing the queued import packages. This allows you to easily remove any erroneous packages that may be blocking the queue.

User-specified folder name

The folder name is unique for one export-import pair. For instance, replication from the master vault to a secondary vault could be named MasterOut and replication from the secondary vault to the master vault MasterIn.

User-specified password for encryption

The replication password is used for encrypting the replication packages. The password can be whatever you decide. Just remember to use the same password for both export and import.