Metadata Definitions for an Electronic Signature Object

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In order for automatic signature objects to be created in M-Files, aliases must be created for the new object type as well as for the required property definitions. The aliases are used for creating objects at the time of signing. If you are using M-Files Compliance Kit, these definitions should already be available. Otherwise, you should create the metadata definitions below to activate the separate signature objects.

Object type

Create a new object type and name it, for example, the Signature object type. In the advanced settings, specify the object type alias:


Required property definitions for the signature object

When you have created the new object type, M-Files automatically creates an equivalent property definition. Select this property definition in the property definitions and add the following alias:


In addition to this, add the property definitions listed below:

Suggested property name Alias Data type Description
Identifier M-Files.QMS.Signature.Identifier Text The identifier property is added to the electronic signature when the electronic signature object is created. The identifier property value is specified in the electronic signature settings in M-Files Admin.
Reason for signature M-Files.QMS.Signature.Reason Text A brief heading-level description for the signature.
Signature meaning M-Files.QMS.Signature.Meaning Text (multi-line) A description enabling the signer to understand what is being approved.
Signer M-Files.QMS.Signature.Signer Choose from list "Users" The vault user electronically signing the state transition.
User M-Files.QMS.Signature.User Choose from list "Users" The vault user to whose identity the signature is bound when the signature is used for moving an assignment to a terminal state, such as Completed, Accepted, or Rejected.

You can freely name the required property definitions mentioned above, but you should use the most descriptive names possible, since this information is shown in the metadata of the signature object.

Optional property definitions for the signature object

You can also create various optional property definitions for the signature object. For example, you may want to create a new property definition for additional signature information with the data type Text (multi-line) and add the following alias:


The rest of the optional properties are listed below:

Alias Data type Description
M-Files.QMS.Signature.Signer.Name Text Contains the full name of the signer.
M-Files.QMS.Signature.Signer.Account Text Contains the M-Files account name of the signer.
M-Files.QMS.Signature.LocalTimestampText Text The local time of the signature as text, including the timezone information.
M-Files.QMS.Signature.UTCTimestampText Text The UTC time of the signature as text, including the timezone information.
M-Files.QMS.Signature.UTCTimestamp Timestamp The UTC timestamp of the signature.
M-Files.QMS.Signature.Date Date The signature date in local (server) time.
M-Files.QMS.Signature.FromState Choose from list "States" The workflow state prior to the state transition. Available only when signing state transitions.
M-Files.QMS.Signature.ToState Choose from list "States" The workflow state after the state transition. Available only when signing state transitions.
M-Files.QMS.Signature.StateTransition Choose from list "State Transitions" The workflow state transition that has been executed. Available only when signing state transitions.

Executed, empty, and invalidated signature objects and how to utilize them

You can also create so-called empty signature objects and use them to monitor which signatures have not yet been signed and which signatures have already been executed. You can utilize these empty, executed, and invalidated signature objects creating different classes for the signature object type.

Here are the aliases which, if specified for classes of the Signature object type, are utilized by M-Files in various phases of electronic signing:





Metadata definitions (object type and property definitions) created for the automatic signature object should be secure; it should not be possible to create signature objects manually or change their metadata. Also the property definition that binds the signed object to the signature must be secure. If you are using M-Files Compliance Kit, these definitions are already available.

Separate signature object

When you have created the necessary definitions and chosen creation of a separate object for the signature, the object will be automatically created after signing.

The name of the signature object is created automatically from the signature reason, signer and timestamp.

Other metadata for the signature object are created automatically on the basis of the signature definitions.