Enabling or Disabling the Classic M-Files Web on On-Premises Servers

This page tells you how to enable or disable the classic M-Files Web client on an on-premises server. When it is disabled, all classic M-Files Web links are automatically redirected to M-Files Web.

If you use M-Files Cloud, use the Advanced Vault Settings (AVS) option Configuration > Client > Web > Disable Classic M-Files Web and Redirect Links to M-Files Web. The AVS option changes the default client for the vault, not the server.

To enable or disable the classic M-Files Web on an on-premises server:

  1. Open M-Files Admin.
  2. In the left-side tree view, select a server connection.
  3. Select Set Up Web and Mobile Use.
  4. Select Enable or disable classic M-Files Web on this server.
    This option is not available if the classic M-Files Web has not been set up.
  5. Enable or disable Use the classic M-Files Web on this server.
  6. Select Save.