M-Files Aino Metadata

M-Files Aino Metadata is a vault application and an intelligence service that uses Large Language Models (LLMs). The service processes document contents to create and give metadata suggestions to users in the new M-Files Desktop and in M-Files Web.

Note: M-Files Aino Metadata is automatically installed and updated but its use requires a separate license.

Administrators can configure which properties are suggested and add detailed descriptions that guide the LLM to find relevant values from document content. Administrators can also further fine-tune the property suggestions process so that certain properties are only suggested for certain types of documents. If the document class is not yet known, M-Files Smart Classifier will automatically help with that if it is enabled in the vault.

When the LLM uses value list items to make property suggestions, it tries to convert plain text suggestions into resolved M-Files value list items. If the LLM cannot find an exact match, it will still suggest new possible value list items.

Admin aid

Refer to these documents for more technical information: