Getting Started with M-Files Manage

Logging in

When you have received the user credentials to M-Files Manage, log in at If you are not yet a registered user of M-Files Manage, refer to Starting the Use of M-Files Manage for registration instructions.

In some cases, you must log in with a unique Login tag as a prefix to your username separated by a slash (/) in the format <your login tag>/<your username>. In many cases, the name is the first part of the name of your vault. For example, if the name of the vault is, the login tag can be abc.

Recently migrated?

For users who have recently migrated to the new cloud environment, M-Files Cloud Subscription Management Portal is no longer used. Your information has been supplied to M-Files Manage for subscription and user management.

M-Files has given your subscription manager user credentials to M-Files Manage.