Hub Configuration and Style Settings

Note: You must have hub admin, hub designer or user manager rights to edit the configuration and style settings.

You can edit the hub configuration and style settings. To do this, move your cursor to Manage hub icon () on the sidebar of a hub, and select Configuration and style. Then expand the correct section in the pane on the right side of the user interface and edit the settings.

Configuration Description
General configuration Edit the basic configurations of the hub, for example, name and default date format.
M-Files integration Add connections from M-Files Hubshare to M-Files. For more information, see Adding Connections from M-Files Hubshare to M-Files.
Colors configuration Edit the text colors to change the visual identity of the hub. Enter the color code in HEX mode (for example, #0A1541FF) or select the color from the color palette.
Pictures configuration Change the organization logo and hub background image.
Files configuration Edit the settings for file features, for example, version history and file index. For more information, see Managing File Features.
Project configuration Show or hide project task numbers.