Giving Users Admin Rights

In M-Files Manage, subscription admins and access admins can give these admin accesses to other users:

  • Access to the subscription in M-Files Manage
  • Full control of vault permissions to a vault

Giving access to M-Files Manage

By default, users do not have access to M-Files Manage. To add access, specify their user role:

  1. Log in to M-Files Manage at
  2. Go to Users > Internal users.
  3. Select a user.
    Result:The User information page is opened.
  4. In User Role in M-Files Manage, select the role.
    If you are an access admin, you can only select No role or Access admin. For a comparison of the access admin and billing admin roles, see the table at the end of this section.
    • No role: The user does not have access to M-Files Manage.
    • Access admin: The user cannot see the shop page or edit subscription information. The user can do all other operations, such as create and edit users, give Full control of vault permissions, create cloud vaults, and configure user provisioning. However, the user cannot give the billing admin or the subscription admin role to users.
    • Billing admin: The user can use the shop, send download links, and see information about subscription, users, vaults, and servers. However, the user cannot see or control vault admin rights. The user cannot see the provisioning page.
    • Subscription admin: The user has all the permissions in M-Files Manage.
  5. In the lower-right corner, click Save.

For a comparison of the access admin and billing admin roles, see this table:

Permission Billing Admin Access admin
See information about subscription, vaults, and users Yes Yes
Send download links Yes Yes
See and use the shop Yes No
Create, edit, and delete users No Yes*
See, give, and remove vault admin rights No Yes
See and configure user provisioning No Yes
Create and manage cloud vaults No Yes
Download vault application logs No Yes
Edit the subscription information No No

*) Cannot give billing admin or subscription admin role.

Giving vault admin rights

In M-Files Manage, you can control the Full control of vault rights. Other vault admin rights are controlled in M-Files Admin. For more information, refer to Creating a User in the M-Files user guide.

Note: It is not possible to give the full control of vault rights to an external user.

To give the Full control of vault rights to a user:

  1. Log in to M-Files Manage at
  2. Go to the Vaults page.
  3. Select a vault.
    Result:The Vault information page is opened.
  4. In the list of users, select a user.
  5. In Vault access details, find the row Admin rights in this vault.
  6. Select Full control of vault.
    Result:The Full control of vault rights are given to the user.

If Admin rights in this vault shows Partial admin rights, the user has some admin rights that are controlled in M-Files Admin. If you clear the Full control of vault selection in M-Files Manage, the partial admin rights are not removed.