Document Vault Authentication

Note: This content is no longer updated. For the latest content, please go to the user guide for M-Files Online. For information on the supported product versions, refer to our lifecycle policy.

The Authentication tab of the Document Vault Properties dialog contains settings related to vault user synchronization and authentication. The tab is available in the Document Vault Properties dialog of existing vaults. When you create a vault, you cannot see this tab.

User synchronization

There are two methods to set up user synchronization with Azure AD. With the SCIM method (the first one in the list), user group management is done in Azure AD and Azure AD pushes the users to M-Files. With the plugin method (the second one in the list), user group management is done in M-Files Admin and M-Files pulls the users from Azure AD.

User authentication

Anonymous Authentication

Enable this feature to set M-Files Web and M-Files Mobile users to have read-only access to this vault without username and password. You must have External Connector license to use this feature. M-Files Desktop and the classic M-Files Web do not use this setting. To set up the classic M-Files Web to use anonymous authentication, see Publication Settings for Classic M-Files Web.

When the feature is enabled, M-Files adds an anonymous user to the vault. The user has no login account on the server, but you can use it to set permissions, and add it to user groups. The anonymous user is created as an external user but you can change it to be an internal user. The anonymous user does not decrease the number of your read-only license.