Importing User Groups

User groups can be imported by domain and by organizational unit. This makes importing user groups into M-Files quicker and easier. M-Files can check for new and deleted user group members periodically.

User groups can be imported from the domain to the vault, allowing existing user groups in the domain to be used for specifying permissions to vault content.

Complete the following steps to import user groups:

  1. Open M-Files Admin.
  2. In the left-side tree view, expand a connection to M-Files server.
  3. Expand Document Vaults.
  4. Expand a vault.
  5. Click User Groups and then click Import User Group in the task area.
    Result:The Import User Group dialog is opened.
  6. Select either:
    • Choose from list to select the user group using drop-down menus. In Domain, select the desired domain. In Organizational unit, select the desired organizational unit within that domain. Finally, in User group, select the user group that you want to import.
    • Enter Name. This option is especially useful if you have so many user groups that searching the correct one from list is hard. Enter the name of the user group in the format <domain>\<user group> and click Show.
    Result:The list area in the dialog is populated with the members of the selected user group.
  7. Optional: Check the Include users from nested groups check box to be able to import login accounts from nested groups within the selected user group.
    Result:The list area in the dialog is populated with the members of the selected user group and the members of any user group nested within the selected user group.
  8. Using the License type for new login accounts drop-down menu, select the license type for the login accounts of the users to be imported.
    For more information about license types, see License type.
  9. Optional: Select the Check for new and deleted members every 15 minutes check box if you want to keep the user group up to date and import new users automatically when they are added to the group.
  10. Click OK to import the selected user group.
The selected user group is imported to the selected vault and it is added to the User Groups list. In addition, new login accounts are created for new users.