How do I migrate my document vaults to a new server?
When migrating document vaults to a new server, use the same version of M-Files on both the old and the new server. If you need to upgrade M-Files in conjunction with the migration, upgrade M-Files on the new server only after the migration is complete and you have verified that the document vaults are functional on the new server.
Migrating document vaults to a new server when using Firebird as the database engine
If your document vaults use Firebird, complete the following steps to migrate the vaults to a new server:
Migrating document vaults to a new server when using Microsoft SQL Server as the database engine
The instructions assume that Microsoft SQL Server is not changed during the migration. If Microsoft SQL Server is installed on the same computer as M-Files Server and therefore also requires migration, see Migrating the Vault Database from One Microsoft SQL Server to Another for further instructions. It does not matter whether you migrate M-Files Server before migrating the document vaults or the other way around.
If your document vaults use Microsoft SQL Server, complete the following steps to migrate the vaults to a new server:
Additional configuration required for the classic M-Files Web
If M-Files Web is installed on the M-Files application server, you need to install Internet Information Services and M-Files Web on the new server computer after installing M-Files Server on the new server computer.
If M-Files Web is installed on a separate proxy server instead, the following steps must be completed.
Additional configuration required if you use RPC over HTTPS
On the RPC proxy computer, update the HOSTS file so that the server hostname (the one that clients use for connecting to the M-Files server) points to the IP address of the new M-Files application server.
For further information, see the document Enabling RPC over HTTPS Connections to M-Files Server.