Creating Links Between Source and Target User Groups

When the user provisioning is complete, you can create links between the provisioned user groups and M-Files user groups in M-Files Manage. When there are provisioned user groups available, the User groups and Links tab in the Provisioning section in M-Files Manage are activate. In User groups, you can see the provisioned user groups and change their license type.

To create links between the provisioned user groups and M-Files user groups:

  1. Log in to M-Files Manage at
  2. Go to Provisioning > Links.
  3. In Source user group, select a provisioned user group.
  4. In Target vault, select a vault.
  5. In Target user group, select an M-Files user group.
    Note: All existing user group members will be removed from the target group.

    If you cannot find the correct user group, do these steps to create and select a new one:

    1. Click Create new user group.
    2. In the Create new user group dialog, enter a name for the group and click Create.
      Result:The dialog is closed and the user group created.
    3. In Target user group, select the new user group.
  6. Click Create.
The link is saved, and M-Files Manage starts to create the necessary vault users.
Note: It can take some time before M-Files Manage shows the link in the Links section.