Configuring the File Viewer

Note: You must have organization-level admin rights to do this.

When you enable M-Files Hubshare file viewer and a user clicks a file in the Files module, the file content opens in the M-Files Hubshare file viewer. If Microsoft Office desktop or Microsoft Office for the web are enabled, the user can use the three-dots icon () to open the file in Microsoft Office.

Note: If there are no file viewers available, the user can still download the file and view it.

To enable opening files in M-Files Hubshare, Microsoft Office application, and Microsoft Office for the web:

  1. On the navigation bar, click the user icon and select Settings.
  2. Click Organization.
  3. Next to File viewer, click Configure.
  4. On the Hubshare tab, enable Activate file viewer.
  5. On the Office desktop tab, enable Allow opening Office Desktop.
  6. On the Office online tab, enable Allow opening Office for the web.
  7. Unselect the file formats that you do not want the users to open.
  8. Click Save.