Run script

It is possible to use variables, generic features of VBScript, and M-Files API to specify operations in more detail. For example, you can set consecutive numbers for different publication versions or include the send date for a document when it moves to the Sent state.

To use this functionality, enable Run script on the Actions tab, click Edit Code, and enter the script.

You can use these variables: VaultSharedVariables, MFScriptCancel, CurrentUserID, Vault, DisplayID, ObjVer, PropertyValues, StateID, PropertyDef, SavepointVariables, TransactionCache, and GetExtensionObject. For more information about variables, see Available VBScript Variables.

Note: When you develop new extensions or edit existing ones, we recommend that you replace VBScript content with Vault Application Framework (VAF) compatible code for future compatibility. For more information on the benefits of VAF development over VBScript, refer to The Vault Application Framework in M-Files Developer Portal.
Note: The M-Files API documentation is available online: M-Files API.