Workflow State Transitions

Workflow state transitions are used to move from one workflow state to another. Users can initiate the transitions manually or M-Files Server triggers them automatically. You can also specify that electronic signature is necessary to complete state transitions.

To see and edit the workflow state transition properties, in theGraphical Workflow Designer, select a state transition arrow and click Edit Transition on the Tools pane. In the State Properties dialog, specify the settings. See the information in the table.

Tab Description
General This tab contains the name and description of the state transition.
Permissions Here you can select the users who can complete the state transition. For more information, see Workflow State Transition Permissions.
Electronic Signature Here you can turn on electronic signing for a state transition. In this case, users must confirm the state transition with an electronic signature. For more information, see Electronic Signatures.
Trigger Here you can select conditions for automatic state transitions. For more information, see Trigger.
Advanced Here you can set an alias for the state transition. Use semicolons (;) to separate many aliases. For more information about aliases, see Associating the Metadata Definitions.