Specifying Vault-Specific Locale Settings

In most cases, M-Files clients show date and time values in the format specified in the regional settings of the client computer. However, in some M-Files Server operations, number and date values are formatted with the locale settings of the M-Files server computer. In M-Files Cloud, the server uses US locale.

If you cannot change the server computer's locale, you can specify locale settings for the vault to override the server locale. This can be useful, for example, if you use M-Files Cloud.

Specifying vault-specific locale settings for server-side PDF conversions

When the M-Files server converts Microsoft Word documents that contain dynamic metadata fields to PDF, M-Files refreshes the metadata fields before the conversion process. Number and date values are formatted with the locale settings of the M-Files server computer.

To specify the locale setting for a vault:

  1. In M-Files Admin, go to the Advanced Vault Settings section.
    1. Open M-Files Admin.
    2. In the left-side tree view, expand an M-Files server connection.
    3. Expand Document Vaults.
    4. Expand a vault.
    5. Click Configurations.
    6. In the navigation area, click Advanced Vault Settings.
    7. Open the Configuration tab.
      Result:The advanced vault settings are shown.
  2. Expand PDF Conversion > Word Files.
  3. In Formatting Locale, enter the language culture name.
    Enter the value as a Microsoft Windows language code identifier (LCID). For example, fi-FI, en-US, or sv-SE.
  4. Click Save to save your configuration.
Number and date metadata fields in PDF conversions now use the new locale setting.

Specifying vault-specific date and time format for automatic values and notifications

You can specify a custom date and time format for automatic values (for example, properties that use simple concatenation of properties) and notifications.

  1. In M-Files Admin, go to the Advanced Vault Settings section.
    1. Open M-Files Admin.
    2. In the left-side tree view, expand an M-Files server connection.
    3. Expand Document Vaults.
    4. Expand a vault.
    5. Click Configurations.
    6. In the navigation area, click Advanced Vault Settings.
    7. Open the Configuration tab.
      Result:The advanced vault settings are shown.
To specify a custom date and time format for automatic values:
  1. Expand Properties > Format for Calculated Dates and Times.
  2. Use the Date Format and Time Format settings to specify the date and time format. For instructions and examples, select one of the settings and see the Info tab.
    Important: You must specify both settings. Otherwise, M-Files uses the locale settings of the server.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Optional: Use the Recalculate option to update the existing automatic values of a property.
To specify a custom date and time format for notifications:
  1. In the advanced vault settings, expand Notifications.
  2. Make sure that Enable Vault Notifications is set to Yes.
  3. Use the Custom Date Format and Custom Time Format settings to specify the date and time format. For instructions and examples, select one of the settings and see the Info tab.
    Important: You must specify both settings. Otherwise, M-Files uses the locale settings of the server.
  4. Click Save.