Adding and Editing Trusted Persons

For a description of trusted person, see Trusted Persons.

To add or edit trusted persons:

  1. Log in to M-Files Manage at
  2. In the left-side page navigation, click Vaults.
    Result:The Vaults page is opened.
  3. Click a vault name.
    Result:The vault information is shown.
  4. In Trusted person, select one of these options:
    Add a trusted person.
    1. Click + add new.
    2. Enter the trusted person's email and click Save.
    Edit a trusted person.
    1. Click the email that you want to edit.
    2. Edit the email and select whether the changes are applied to this vault or all vaults in the subscription where the email is a trusted person.
    3. Click Save.
    Remove a trusted person.
    1. Click the cross icon (X) next to the email.
    2. In the confirmation dialog that is opened, click Delete.